Horn Island, Thursday Island, and Roko Island.
We’ve been so busy, I haven’t posted for a while! On Friday, we went on a tour of three islands; Horn Island, Thursday Island, and Roko Island. This is the boat we went on. The water was very choppy! On Horn Island, we went to a heritage museum, where we learnt about Torres Strait Islander’s culture, pearl diving, and more. On Thursday Island, we went on a tour, where we learnt all about the locals and the history of the island. This is the Green Hill Fort. Next, we went Roko Island, which had a very sketchy jeti! We found a coconut and cracked the husk off by throwing it on the ground. Then, the locals showed us how to use tools to open coconuts. We stayed in Weipa for two days, because we decided to drive a bit further than planned again. There were a few shops, and also lots of fruit stands. This is some candy melon and passion fruit that we picked up. They were really good! For dinner, we went to the Weipa pub, where Mum bought a Keno ticket so I watched it on my iPad. It was ...